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By JoAnne Freitag and Emily Harris


It is a truth universally acknowledged that Jane Austen is one of the world’s most well-known writers. She lived in England from 1775 until her death in 1817. Even though it was incredibly difficult at the time for women to be authors, she published four of her own novels; two more were published after her death. Although she only completed six novels, Jane Austen’s work has appeared in countless movie and television presentations. This pathfinder is designed to guide you through finding information regarding those adaptations. It covers both the traditional interpretations, like Douglas McGrath’s 1996 film Emma , as well as modern retellings, like Amy Heckerling’s 1995 movie Clueless . If you are a student, an “Austenite” (someone who has received formal education dedicated to Jane Austen), a “Janeite,” (a Jane Austen fan who has only read her works), or a film aficionado, this pathfinder will provide ample information for those interested in conducting further research.